Lucid Information Ingrown

If you are troubled with ingrown hair but don’t know what it is and how you can prevent it from occurring, here’s help. Find out about ingrown hair including causes and symptoms of ingrown hair. The article also discusses treatment methods and tips to prevent ingrown hairs.

Ingrown hairs are commonly encountered after hair removal processes. Men particularly get razor bumps after shaving. Learn more about ingrown hairs in this lucid article.

Introduction to ingrown hair

Ingrown hair is a frustrating problem associated with hair removal process wherein a hair is shaved or plucked. In this condition, a hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin before breaking through the surface, causing inflammation and a foreign body reaction. For some people ingrown hair may just be a minor irritation but in others, these may develop into unattractive pus-filled blemishes that might also cause discomfort and acute pain.

Popular names for ingrown hair are "razor bumps" and "razor burns." The problem of ingrown hair is frequently encountered when unwanted hair is removed with the help of waxing, electrolysis, shaving or depilatory creams. Men often get ingrown hair in their beard region because of shaving.

Possible causes of ingrown hair

Ingrown hairs are reported by both men and women. Listed below are the possible causes of ingrown hairs in some people:

-Stiff hair
-Lack of moisture in the skin
-Embedded oil in the hair follicles
-Coarse, curly hair growing in a curved hair follicle
-Incorrect shaving method such as too close a shave


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