Hair Removal Methods


You can remove your body hair by shaving. Shaving works on your legs and underarms. It is not advisable for female facial use, as it blunts the hair tips and makes regrowth appear thicker.


Upper lip hair and facial hair can be lightened by using special products available in market or by receiving professional treatment from a salon.


Electrolysis is done by mild electric current which destroys the hair root. Electrolysis is permanent but costly and very time consuming.


Single hair are pull out from the root. It is a painful process which is mainly used for eyebrows.


Waxing is a process in which wax congeals around the hair so that it can be pulled out in batches. Waxing is a painful but very effective hair removal process; although after six weeks you will feel the need to repeat the process.

Depilatory creams

Depilatory creams are specially formulated to dissolve hair. This process is for temporary hair removal and can be expensive too. Also before using make sure you don't have any allergic reactions to the chemicals.